Homemade Rock Candy

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Kennedy loves making all sorts of things together in the kitchen. These are sticky but they are also really fun to make cause they are kind a like a science experiment.


6 cups of white sugar (for real)

2 cups of water

Food coloring

Flavouring ( if desired)

Wide mason jars (big)

Popsicle sticks or cake pop sticks



  1. Dip the sticks in water about half way and roll them in some sugar on a plate. Then let them dry for about 20 minutes. This is what the rock candy will grow on.

  2. Make your sugar solution. Boil the water and gradually add all 6 cups of sugar, constantly stirring. It will be hard to get it all dissolved but just keep stirring and do one cup at a time.

  3. Then add your food coloring and any flavour you would like (just a few drops!)

  4. Take the sugar solution away from the heat and let it cool for around 20 minutes.

  5. Get your mason jar(s) ready. Make sure they are the big ones. Hold them under the tap with hot water to warm them up. Then pour your solution in.

  6. Attach the sugar stick ( Sugar side down into the mason jar) to the clothespin . Dip the stick into the solution but make sure you leave at least 1.5 inches from the bottom. If it’s close to the bottom the crystals will grow and attach to the bottom of the jar. Try and center it as best as you can.

  7. Leave the jars in a cool dark place for about 3 days. Even longer if you want bigger crystals. Use a knife or fork and gently break away the layer of crystals at the top. Then you should be able to pull your rock candy out of the solution. Let them dry for a few hours.

  8. If the crystals are stuck - just have hot water run over the jar and hopefully it will loosen up the sugar solution.

  9. Enjoy!! These are really neat!

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