Welcome to the World Baby Tripp!

I always think I will remember every detail of how our birth stories went down but the truth is ; the memories fade with time. Of course we remember the big moments but just all the little details slowly begin to disappear.

Since this is the last baby, I for sure wanted to remember how it all went down and if you’re interested, read along  :) 

I had documented on my Instagram stories on February 13 all the things that I was doing to naturally go into labour. My official due date was indeed Valentine’s Day February 14 and because I am “of advanced maternal age"; My OBGYN thought it was safest to also induce me right at 40 weeks and not go over. So no matter what (pending that I didn’t get bumped on the 14th for my induction at the hospital) I was going to have this baby on February 14. But I really wanted to go into labour naturally. 

So I tried everything. Induction Acupuncture at Park Integrative Health, Induction massage at Purity Health & Welness, eating the spiciest foods, bouncing on a yoga ball, eating an entire can of pineapple, raspberry leaf tea…the list goes on haha. I tried everything under the sun to go into labour naturally.

And it actually happened at midnight Feb 14, I started feeling contractions.. 

I had about three contractions from 12 AM to 1 AM and they were pretty intense so I thought OK this is probably the real thing. So I got up and naturally did my hair and make up  lol . The Hospital bag was already packed so at about 1:15am I woke up Bobby and let him know that things are happening & we’re gonna have to head to the hospital. The first thing he said to me was “are you sure they’re not just going to turn us back”? { Insert instant hormonal rage here haha} My response back to him wasn’t that nice to be honest but it was along the lines of "Yeah I’m pretty G.D sure”. He tried to backtrack and say well you seem to have time to do your hair and make up so that’s why he didn’t think it was serious but anyone that knows me knows that that is the #1 sign that it is actually serious haha. 

We had prearranged for Bobby’s sister to be on-call to watch the girls while we went to the hospital so we gave her a call. She lives on an acreage outside of town, so it took her about an hour or so to get to our place . 

By then Kennedy, my 6year old had heard some of the commotion in the house so she got up and actually helped me through the contractions. It was really sweet. She was saying “You can do this mom; you are strong”.  Then she drew me a picture to take to the hospital, which included a pickle - my favorite. 

My co-hosts at CISN Country 103.9, Chris and Matt, always make fun of me because if it was my choice I would have a baby in a dark room like a Labrador Retriever. Nobody watching; just let me go and do my thing and I’ll be fine. I’m not really a screamer and I just want to get through it and that’s exactly what I was doing with these contractions but holy geez, they were intense. I actually forgot how much contractions hurt. By the time Bobby’s sister arrived at the house they were about 3-4 minutes apart and lasting about 45 seconds to a minute so I was getting really nervous that we would not make it to the hospital in time for me to get an epidural.

We got to the hospital at about 4 AM and because it was the middle of the night I had to go to the emergency entrance of the Grey Nuns. They quickly checked me in and we were up to the labour and delivery ward. I think the first two sentences I blurted out were “Hello My name is Jacqueline and I think I’m in labour and I would also love an epidural. Thank you very much.” 

They got me all checked in and checked me out and yes, as much as I hate to talk about dilation, I will for the purposes of this story. I was 6 cm and definitely in labour. I was very impressed because my request for an epidural was granted - the anaesthesiologist was there so fast and we were able to get the epidural. To my great relief and anyone that I have talked to; I have said this : I would legit name my child epidural. Those things are absolutely amazing. Here’s a comparison of pain for you. Many women are scared, because the epidural involves a needle in the back. That needle in the back felt like nothing compared to the contractions that I was experiencing. Like a pinch. So in my opinion, most definitely worth it for me. It took about 15 to 20 minutes to kick in and then I felt absolutely nothing. I could actually breathe, catch a break and realize what was about to happen.

We didn’t know if we were having a boy or a girl, so there was that little extra surprise that I was really looking forward to. Around 6:45 in the morning I felt the need to push so I let the doctors and nurses know and in about 10 minutes we were on our way. I wish there was more drama to the story, but there really isn’t. In about five pushes; our little baby boy was born and I wish I would’ve recorded my reaction in that delivery room. It was an absolute shock. I have NO mother’s intuition. I have thought all of my pregnancies were boys LOL (I have two girls). So I was pretty mentally prepared to have another girl (and excited!). It was a complete shock that after two girls we finally had a boy. 8lbs, 12oz; my biggest baby.

I screamed with joy, and when Bob cut the cord is hands were very shaky, and he actually ended up dropping the scissors in between my legs and he also screamed. However, I am happy to report everything and everyone was just fine. Lol 

And just like that we had our little Tripp!!! It was a pretty fast labour from midnight to 7:04 in the morning start to finish. It’s crazy to think just a few days before that Bob was working out of town over seven hours away so if he had not been home, he definitely would not have made this birth. It’s very true what they say by the third one they are literally flying out of there.

And this marks the end of the road when it comes to kids for us boy or girl we knew we were done at three and would be happy either way. Truthfully, I did have to mourn my dream of three girls a little bit, but the fact that I am now a boy mom and he’s my little valentine…. I am tearing up just writing this. I am so happy. 

Tripp is now 2 weeks old today and such a charmer. He fits so perfectly into our family and is VERY good to me. He eats well, sleeps in about 2-3 hour stretches and is a happy baby. I realize it is early and all of this will likely change haha but for now I am revelling in the baby snuggles and every day memories we are making.

I hope if you are pregnant and reading this ; you feel EXCITED about your upcoming birth. There is so much fear and bad stories out there. I promise you it’s not all bad. As my daughter Kennedy said to me “ you got this and you are strong”.

xoxo Jacks


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